Beautiful Jewelry with a Purpose. Buy a Bracelet and Help Save a Life!

I Am..

I Am..

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This stunning two-piece bracelet set is a radiant expression of divine identity and strength. Crafted with soothing jade, shimmering electroplated agate, and adorned with a gold butterfly spacer, this set beautifully represents transformation and renewal. The gold charm engraved with the words "I Am Chosen, Fearless, Blessed, and Powerful" is a bold reminder of who you are in Christ.

The butterfly, a symbol of transformation and rebirth, is a reflection of the journey from struggle to strength. This set empowers you to walk fearlessly in your purpose, knowing you are blessed and chosen by God.

Scripture Inspiration:
1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

This scripture beautifully affirms the truth behind the words on the charm chosen, fearless, blessed, and powerful. It serves as a reminder that you are God’s special possession, called to live boldly and fearlessly in His light.

Flaunt this bracelet set as a testament to your faith, and let it remind you daily that you are chosen by God, blessed beyond measure, and empowered to live a fearless life.

- Jamila Beasley, Lead Designer

